Thursday, June 3, 2010

Burdens of the World

      So, one day in seventh grade, our class decided to have a party at Luke's house. We had a blast and everything, and we watched this movie by the name of "Get Smart" (I'm sure you guys all know the movie). There's this one part where the main character does something really stupid and gets a needle poked into random body parts. I was a sissy and covered my eyes in this part. Everyone teased me :) but that's who I am.
      When I was younger, I wanted to be a doctor, but as I grew older I realized I really couldn't. When I see someone in pain or hear out someone else's pain, I feel like I can feel their pain myself. The problem is that "feeling the pain" also goes for emotional pain. I hear about my friend's hurt over a friendship or past experience, and I feel so burdened. I feel like I am in their place.
      Lately, this has been a major factor in dampening my spirits. I feel like I have to carry everyone's burden on my back, and there's no one else who can help me. I'm such a perfectionist that I want other people's lives to go splendidly as well. In the end, I realize how powerless I am. I have to put these burdens on God.

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