Monday, May 31, 2010

Last day of May

     Wow... May. May's been pretty crazy for me, but it's also been pretty awesome. Probably one of the hilghlights was the performances of the Wizard of Oz. You should have seen the cast and crew before the play performances; we were half-zombie, one-fourth "in character", and one-fourth human. Let me explain.
     The week before the play, we had started to do play practices everyday. We also started putting on make-up and having dress rehearsals. As you can imagine, it took us forever, and half of us really dreaded the whole make-up procedure. By the end of all this intense practicing and make-up and costumes, we were basically half-zombie. Lor, Meghan, and I were worried to death because our make-up and hair was never done on time. On the night of the performance, we found out it didn't matter because we had nothing to do when we were waiting for our scene. Now I look back and I'm still amazed at how we were able to be hyper and normal after all of that.
     Then came the performance... (drum roll).... The whole cast was nervous to death. Could we do it? Just the day before, Kalista and I commented how it was our last practice, and we stopped a million times to fix different things. However, things went great! There were some mishaps, like Cankut dropping the tree, but I think it just gave us funny memories to think about, and it wasn't that big of a deal. After the performance, the whole cast was screaming and shouting. We couldn't believe we made it! It was a good night. The other play performances went well too.
      I also went on a seven churches tour this month. I was really reluctant to go because I didn't want to miss school and have a ton of make-up homework. I ended up going, and it was pretty interesting. The first day, I ended up babysitting a couple of kids because there was a meeting, but after that we were travelling all three days. A lot of the tour involved riding in a bus and sleeping in the bus for hours. Still, it was inspiring to see these huge ruins that were once a part of a great civilization in the bible times. Our team also slept in really nice hotels, so we got to eat a lot of good food.
     I think one of the most memorable moments of my trip was when we had to hike up a hill to see the church of Sardis. It was an extremely hot day, and we had to hike up for 30 minutes straight. I also had to look after a 3 year old guy and had to help him get up the hill as well. It took us forever; however, to give credit to the little guy, he walked the whole way without ever stopping or complaining and almost kept up to my pace. Still,  we were hot, tired, and there were thorns on the path, so we were not happy campers. It paid off later on because we also got to go to the top of this white mountain and wade in the water of a hot spring.
     These are only some of the many things that happened. It was a busy month, but hey I learned a lot and experienced a lot as well.