Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mason and Tommy's Double Party

So basically what happened was a certain boy named Tommy Wilson Henry invited me to his only-boys birthday party. Since I am a girl (yes, for those of you who don not know, I am a girl) I was definitely thinking of not going. I mean I was the ONLY girl! In the end, though, it turned out awesomely. I felt quite comfortable, surprisingly. And plus, it was at our school! How much more awesome can it be?
Some very random pics at the party!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Faults

   I'm a human being, and probably not even a good human being in human standards. I have many, many, many faults. However, I know God still uses me. Isn't that a wonderful truth? Either way, I just wanted to talk about some of my many faults.

1.) I am extremely stubborn.
Often times think I am always right and do not listen to the people around me. I am adamantly against or for something even if it is wrong. I have this joke among my friends that I am "always right and that everyone is always wrong" and we laugh it off but in a sense it shows exactly who I am. Sometimes when I am being stubborn for something good it can be a virtue. However, usually I go the other way.

2.) I am a very coveting person.
This is a sin I am usually very good at hiding from all but God. I look at others and envy their gifts God has blessed them with. I fail to look at the gifts God has given me and become reproachful to God.

3.) I am very prideful and arrogant.
When I start to do well in something, I think "Wow Grace you really did do an awesome job". I even go to the point where I think "That person isn't good enough for me" which is a horribly evil mindset. When I realize I am being proud, I try to make it up by saying "It was nothing" it really only builds up on my arrogance and pride because I hear people say "no no Grace you really are" and I just soak it all up.

4.) I am very hypocritical.
I tend to think I have this great chart for morality. I think part of the reason why I think this way is because I am the firstborn and I have to look after my sisters. I always tell them "that's wrong" and "no!" and "you're so disrespectful" and such, but in the end I realize "Grace, what about you?" I don't apply the things I know and tell others to do. 

5.) I am judgemental. 
I look at someone just by a few minutes of talk I start to judge them. Luckily, God knew this and has given me a lot of surprises about who the people I thought they were ACTUALLY were. I am still working on this fault, though.

Throughout the years, God has molded me and changed me. He's taught me so much. I am so grateful that although these faults are still intact within me He will help me and still use me for His great plan.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Official "homeschool" homework for the week:

1. AR for Act 1 doing paragraph responses, margin questions, and such
2. Finish short story by Wednesday
3. Vocabualry quiz on all the vocab so far

1. Review book
2. Studying for test (although we don't have to since it is on Wednesday)

Bible: (a whole ton)
1. Reading Exodus 5-40
2. An outline over all of Exodus (5-40)
3. 4 paragraphs about importance of chapter 12 and 20
4. Memorize Ps 139:3,4
5. Study for test (although it is on Wednesday)

1. Download kturtle and such
2. Do the assignments shown on oasis website

I know a lot of homework, but hey at least we have school off! Be happy! ;)